If you are going through our byte review guide, the possibilities are you have been pondering the purchase of a teeth aligner that’s minimally invasive, nearly invisible way to straighten your teeth, byte impression kit may be for you. bytes impression kit are designed to invisibly correct crooked and irregularly gapped teeth and many more orthodontic problems.
The byte impression kit also have the ability to correct underbites on teenagers and adults. The term byte has become synonymous with the latest teeth aligner due to the technology having been around for short period of time, yet believe it or not, byte impression kit are actually one of the affordable forms of invisible teeth aligners available today.
Orthodontics are nothing new to us today. In fact, 4 million Americans wear braces. It is very common to see children, teens, and even adults going through orthodontic treatment. Orthodontics is the most common method used to move teeth around to a more desirable position.
We all love and desire a perfect smile, and Dr. Charles Gemmi of Orthodontics Limited said in an article, “Americans are obsessed with perfect teeth because they know the power of a beautiful smile.” But when did this “obsession” start, how far back do braces go, and how far have they come? Most would be surprised to know that braces date back as far as 50,000 years!
It may fascinate you to know that the very first braces were made from animal skin attached to teeth the same way modern dentists attach wire braces. Archeologists believe that catgut may have been tied to crude metal bands around the mummy’s teeth to provide pressure to move the teeth.
As we continued to experience profession in the technology available, dental invisible aligners have evolved even further in the present to improve their efficacy and patient satisfaction. And when we talk about the invisible teeth aligner products, which is witnessing a steady growth around the world, there still are a lot of products which are not user friendly.
But then comes the byte impression kit – also called invisible byte aligners, are a type of orthodontic treatment that corrects misaligned or crooked teeth. Byte impression kits are a virtually invisible and removable alternative to braces designed around convenience and flexibility.
As we delve into byte review guide, be assured that this page is optimized to provide you with all the information ( what byte impression kit is, how it works, benefits, pros and cons and many more) you need when it comes to byte impression kit, moreso this byte review guide would help you as regards making decisions whether to purchase byte impression kit or not. Read all the lines on this page as we begin byte review guide proper.
Table of Contents
What is byte (byte review)

Byte impression kit ™ is the latest brand of “at-home” clear aligners, also called invisible braces, which are a removable and transparent alternative to traditional braces. At-home clear aligners are monitored remotely by qualified orthodontists.
Byte impression kits make getting orthodontic treatments a lot more pleasant. byte impression kits make it possible to discreetly straighten teeth. Once upon a time, those dealing with misaligned or crooked teeth did not have any other options besides traditional metal braces. With technology at rising pace, these impression kit have been proven to be very effective at improving the alignment of teeth.
You will agree with me that everyone wants a bright smile with uniform, even teeth. If your teeth aren’t straight or you have another issue like a gap between your teeth, probably you’re likely looking at ways to make your smile more attractive. You may be wondering if you can wear byte impression kit rather than metal braces. If you have crooked, crowded, or rotated teeth, or teeth with other moderate but not severe issues, then byte teeth aligner is the answer for your orthodontic needs.
As a user of byte impression kit, you do not have to visit their orthodontist in-person for check-ups and progress scans throughout the treatment process. Rather, you connect with an orthodontist via teledentistry services (online). byte clear aligners can also be removed at any time, making it easier to brush and floss between your teeth. Unlike ordinarily metal braces with wires, the byte aligners are barely visible when they are in your mouth.
How does byte work (byte reviews)

Byte is the newest technology-enabled option, which also offers clear aligners that straighten teeth, but no office visits are required. The treatment and care is still overseen by doctors, dentists, and orthodontists, but from the comfort of your own home. In addition to convenience, byte also is known for speed. The exclusive HyperByte technology allows treatment times twice as fast as other invisible aligners.
Hyperbyte uses High Frequency Vibrations or (HFV) a vibration-based therapy that orthodontists have sold to patients for years. HFV uses soft micropulses that transmit through the roots of the teeth to the surrounding bone. Studies have shown, this gentle vibration can reduce discomfort, and help seat your aligners around your teeth better. This causes better aligner traction, more accurate teeth movement, and much faster treatment times. HyperByte® is our very own HFV device that we include it free in every treatment plan.
How byte at-night aligners work
byte at night is our new premium straightening system that includes all of the same benefits of our original byte system but requires a minimum of 10 consecutive hours daily wear-time.
Once you’ve had that last cup of tea or finished your glass of wine just brush, pop your aligners in, and get that HyperByte going. After ten minutes of use (versus five minutes with the all-day wear program), you’ll need to keep your aligners in for ten consecutive hours in order to keep those teeth moving like they should. Just put your aligners in at night, and take them out again in the morning when you’re ready to face the world.
Why should you buy byte?

With invisible braces becoming increasingly more popular, the industry is getting competitive and is quickly filling with a number of companies. It’s difficult to know which provider you should choose, especially when you’re trusting the company with something as important as your smile.
With byte being one of the leading brands on the market, we wanted to delve into byte reviews and see what qualities customers appreciated about the company. What is it about byte that makes it stand out from its competition? We took a sample of byte’s reviews and found the following to be the most common feedback from customers.
byte has the quickest treatment plan on the market. Invisible braces providers have an average treatment time of 6 months or more, while byte’s treatment typically takes an average of only 3 months, when used with their HyperByte. Even top competing brands, such as Invisalign, have treatment plans that range from 12–18 months. At that point, the invisible braces process is taking nearly as long as metal braces.
The majority of customers opt for invisible braces because of the convenience and the amount of time they save when compared to traditional metal braces. With a 3-month treatment time, byte is giving consumers what they need to pair treatment with a busy lifestyle.
Moreso, byte uses state of the art technology called the HyperByte. byte cuts down its treatment time with a device it calls HyperByte. HyperByte is a device you place in your mouth and bite down on for five minutes per day. It vibrates and sends micropulses through your teeth down to the bone. This not only decreases discomfort during the invisible braces process, but it also quickens treatment by increasing tooth movement by 64 percent.
When reading customer written byte reviews, the HyperByte is one of the things customers appreciate most about the company, especially since it quickens the treatment process and helps with tooth pain.
What packages do you expect in bye impression kit?
Our byte review guide took its time to let our customers know what to expect when they successfully make a purchase of byte impression kit. This is to help know if your package is shortchanged or complete.

- Impression trays
- Molding Putty
- Putty Gloves
- Smile Stretcher
- Return Shipping Box
- Free Shipping byte aligner
- Orthodontist Review
- Your Custom Treatment Plan
- Impression Sessions
Benefits of Using byte (byte review)
- No appointments necessary. Everything you need is sent directly to your home.
- The Hyperbyte HFV (high-frequency vibration) device promotes quicker results.
- byte’s Smile Science analyzes your facial symmetry for personalized treatment. They are the only company to do this!
- The byte for Life Guarantee promises that if your teeth should ever fall out of alignment after treatment, byte will restore them at no additional cost to you.
- Your order includes a month’s supply of Brightbyte, which whitens your teeth and freshens your breath
- Convenient payment options include bytepay monthly financing, your health insurance, or even your FSA/HSA
What makes byte special?
For most invisible braces providers, teeth whitening is an added bonus of treatment, but it’s separate from the process and requires additional purchased products and effort. byte has a teeth whitener that also functions as an aligner cleaner — and it’s completely free and is included as part of the invisible braces treatment.
Called BrightByte, the teeth whitener and cleaner product is a foam that comes in a convenient bottle you can take with you anywhere. Whenever you want to clean your aligners and whiten your teeth, all you do is spray the foam into your aligners and then put your aligners back on your teeth. The foam will then turn clear and you can straighten your teeth, freshen your breath, clean your aligners, and whiten your teeth all at once.
Customers appreciated the convenience of this and loved that they could whiten their teeth during their invisible braces process with no extra effort or added charge. Some invisible braces providers don’t even offer teeth whitening products, so customers appreciate that byte has something to offer that many other companies don’t
Why is byte trending in United States, Canada, Australia and United kingdom

byte is one of the few invisible braces providers that offers real, local licensed board-certified doctors to oversee every customer’s treatment via remote monitoring. You have the same doctor the entire length of your treatment, with monthly check-ins so you don’t have to worry about having to talk with a variety of different orthodontists who don’t know your case.
Your assigned doctor starts by reviewing your teeth molds and creates a custom treatment plan for you. Once your treatment plan is ready, your doctor will review your 3D smile with you and will show you what your teeth will look like after treatment and how they will move week over week. The byte clinicians also keep track of your progress and check in regularly to ensure you are on track to achieve the smile you want.
Moreso, when we compared byte’s customer service reviews to competitors, we found that other companies don’t demonstrate the same personal attention that byte does.
Many consumers noted that other invisible braces companies are slow to get back to customer service requests and sometimes completely neglect customers halfway through treatment. You don’t want companies to drop off the grid during your invisible braces treatment, especially if there’s an issue you need resolved quickly.
What to know about byte treatment plan?
When we were going through many byte reviews and blog to come up with our latest byte review guide, we learnt that byte clear aligner could be used in the daytime as well as in the night time. We deemed it necessary to provide our users of this byte review guide with all the necessary information about these two treatment plans.
Day time byte treatment plan
The All-Day plan can straighten your teeth in as little as 3 months. byte’s All-Day Aligners with HyperByte® give you faster treatment times than most other options out there, overseen and supervised by board-certified orthodontists.
22 HOUR DAYTIME WEAR: Only to be removed when eating or drinking, your byte aligners are designed to be worn at least 22hrs a day.
HYPER BYTE® FOR FIVE MIN A DAY: HyperByte® works with your byte aligners for fast results and reduced discomfort.
3-4 MONTH AVERAGE TREATMENT: Faster results with only 3-4 months until your smile is right where you want it.
Night time byte treatment plan
Hey, we get it. You don’t want to wear aligners all day. Now, you don’t have to. Just put your aligners in at night, and take them out again in the morning when you’re ready to face the world.
TEN+ HOUR CONTINUOUS WEAR: Our At-Night aligners use thicker material designed to move your teeth while you sleep.
HYPERBYTE® FOR 10+ MIN A DAY: HyperByte® works with your At-Night aligners for fast results and reduced discomfort.
5-6 MONTH ESTIMATED TREATMENT: byte at-night provides fast treatment results in a night time aligner, with more convenience.
Why do most people opt for byte at night
Our byte review guide explains why it’s as if many persons tend to opt for byte at night than the conventional daytime byte which everyone is conversant wkth. Sit relax as we offer insights why people tend to use byte at night.
1. Proprietary Material
Using medical-grade, grind resistant polymer material designed specifically for night-wear, byte at night is able to give you the convenience of less wear time with a minimum of 10 continuous hours nightly. The laser trimmed BPA-free material is slightly thicker, and when paired with the the HyperByte® accelerates treatment time and helps reduce any discomfort.
2. Fast Results
We’ve programmed the High-Frequency Vibration of our exclusive HyperByte® device to work specifically with our new thicker material of your at-night aligners to get you done faster than other night time aligner options out there!
3. Convenience
Designed for people with busy lifestyles who can’t afford to worry about popping aligners in and out throughout the day. byte at night aligners are designed and manufactured to be worn while you sleep.
Night time vs. Daytime byte wear

byte At-Night is great if you want to avoid wearing your aligners during your daytime activities. This premium option works its magic while you sleep, allowing you to go about your daytime routine as normal without having to take them out every time you need to eat or drink colored drinks. Doctor approval required for night time wear.
Byte Evaluation and Quality Testing
I don’t know about you but spending all this time indoors has made me think about things way too much. Like my smile. I don’t like it. I know many people don’t like their smiles, but this doesn’t mean we should just accept it! I want change!
It may be weird to imagine thinking about it so much, but it’s something about myself that I’ve just never been comfortable with. For years I didn’t do anything about it except think about how much I didn’t like it. This was a terrible use of my time! I was wasting years of my life with this mindset.
Well I must have searched for teeth straightening options online somewhere one day because as I was thinking about it, I noticed an ad near the side of my computer screen. It was for byte invisible braces and it had a before-and-after picture of a women who, oddly, looked quite like me.

In the first picture she was holding her hand over her mouth like she was embarrassed about something. In the second she was smiling beautifully. I could relate to the first picture, but sadly, not to the second.
I clicked on the picture. I wanted the solution she looked like she had found. Could this work for me, too? Could byte be the solution to this problem I’ve suffered with for so long?
Before I found byte, I went to the dentist for a cleaning. Not my favorite thing to do. I asked the dentist about the teeth-straightening options available that didn’t involve braces. He was more than happy to discuss the popular brand of orthodontic aligners he sold (that weren’t byte).
I was a little disappointed at what I heard.First off, it was going to take several appointments just to get sized up. He confessed I probably wouldn’t receive the product for about two months or so. And once I did start wearing them, I was obligated to come in for checkups every five to six weeks for around a year. Not only this, but they were just so expensive.
It sounded like a lot of hassle. I got home and went online to try and find something better. When I saw that advertisement for byte invisible braces, they promised everything I was looking for and more, notably a better smile in the shortest amount of time. byte can improve your alignment in just 3 months! I couldn’t believe it. That’s half the time as the next quickest brand. And they’re so much cheaper than the alternatives! The other big plus? Everything is done at home. No visits to the dentist’s office. Woo-hoo!
The decision was simple, but first, I had to find out if I was a viable candidate for treatment. I answered a few questions on the website and submitted a couple of selfies of my teeth. I got my answer that same day. I was in!
I knew I had dental coverage through my employer, but I had no idea if it applied to something like this. I sent byte a quick email and they looked into it for me. I ended up paying way below what I budgeted for. The next package I received contained my invisible aligners. I couldn’t believe how fast they arrived.
One byte. One week. Wear it as much as you can. No one even noticed I was wearing them unless I told them. The braces were actually quite easy to pop in and out. Another nice benefit is that I found I was snacking less. I guess I was just so committed to my new look. With the byte system, the weeks flew by. 14 weeks later, I had a bright, healthy-looking smile to show off.
Customers written byte review
I love byte! The process has been so easy, my teeth look great so far, and the team has been so helpful and responsive. I definitely recommend
Carly Long
I’m on my 7th week and it’s been great so far. I can attest that my teeth are really moving to a promising direction. This is probably one of the highlights of my 2020, having a straighter and straighter teeth one day at a time
Kenneth Karc
I started doing this program in a time where I started to be interested in doing something about teeth. My teeth weren’t in the worst of shapes but something still needed to be done. So I started byte and they’ve done nothing less of amaze me with there state-of-the-art technology to give you the smile that you desire for your self- confidence, which I have gained since starting the program. Get it!!
Daniel Ard
byte is a customer focused company! Their customer service is top notch. Fast and reliable. They have certified orthodontists verify your treatment plan, so you dont have to worry about the treatment not working. I am very excited for the end result. I’m looking forward to having a confident smile!
Veronica Bane
Where to buy and byte pricing
As we have seen, there are many advantages that come with using byte. The many positive customer byte reviews and testimonials available attest to the fact that the product works just like the manufacturer promises. We also put byte to the test, and it performed better than we had hoped. Its best to buy byte directly from the manufacturer.
The company is currently giving all new customers discounts of up to 40% on all orders. However, this is a limited offer, so you should hurry and take advantage of it. They are also giving free shipping on all products. You can, therefore, shop at the comfort of your couch and expect your package right at your doorstep. We noticed that they have a great customer support staff. So in case you have a problem or need to have some questions answered, do not hesitate to give them a mail message.
FAQs (byte review)
Our byte review guide is optimized to answer most challenging questions a potential buyer of byte impression kit would like to ask but if you feel your questions are not answered then you make use of comment section.
After I purchase my modeling kit, how long does it take to receive my aligners?
About 5 – 7 weeks. To make it happen ASAP, send your impressions back quickly, fill out your consent form and upload your photos. This all helps us move it along.
What if I mess up my impressions or don’t do them right?
Don’t worry! Our Impression Kit gives you 2 chances to do your top and bottom impressions. However, if you do end up running in to a problem with your impressions, we’ll send out another kit, all you have to do is cover shipping. If you are worried about doing your impressions, you can always contact our amazing byte patient care team for additional tips.
Can I see what I’ll look like when I’m done with byte?
Yes. After we receive your impressions and create your aligner profile, we’ll send you before and after photos with a 3D visualization of what your smile will look like post-byte.
Is my Impression Kit refundable?
Your at-home impressions will give us the information we need to know if you are a good candidate for byte. If you’re not, we’ll refund the full price of the Impression Kit.
How do I know if byte is right for me?
byte is designed to work for minor to moderate alignment, including correcting spacing and crowding between teeth, rotation and minor bite correction. Your at-home impressions will give us the information we need to know if you are a good candidate for byte. If you’re not, we’ll refund the full price of the Impression Kit.
How long does it take for byte to straighten my teeth?
It’s different for everyone, but the typical program is five months, give or take.
Final words on byte review
As you can see from the above byte reviews, byte has an impeccable reputation for a reason. Customers like the simplicity of their invisible braces process and appreciate that the company doesn’t sacrifice its high-quality products or excellent customer service in order to make the process worry-free and straightforward.
From start to finish, byte is there to help you through your invisible braces journey with great products and excellent service. No one should feel their smile is an obstacle to their happiness. Try byte. Believe me. It’s the easiest way to make a big difference and super-boost your confidence. It worked for me when I had lost all hope. It can work for you, too